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Saturday, September 3

US prepares to sue more than a dozen banks over an £18.5billion mortgage meltdown, critics here are calling for the UK to do the same.

Officials in America are taking the legal action over toxic debt deals that triggered the credit crunch. The banks – including JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs – are accused of failing to spot the risky nature of “sub-prime mortgages” during the housing boom.

Now campaigners here say regulators should also take legal action.

Eddy Weatherill, of the Independent Banking Advisory Service, said: “We always seem to lag behind the US, who are banging the fingers of the people who did the damage. They seem to have some idea of how to tackle things and, while we talk tough, we don’t do anything.

“Banks are still totally unaccountable.You only have to look at the recentpayment protection insurance scam to see how they’re plundering customers’ accounts for their own means. Surely those in charge at the time should fall on their swords for what happened.”

In the US, speculators were making a fortune by packaging up home loan debts and selling them on in batches.

But the deals backfired as many included loans to borrowers with poor credit ratings who failed to keep up with their repayments, deepening the global banking meltdown.

The Federal Housing Finance Agency oversees mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which lost more than £18.5billion as a result of the crisis.

The New York Times reports that the lawsuits could be filed against the big banks within a matter of days.

Meanwhile, business leaders and finance experts in Italy for a meeting on the world economy yesterday warned we could be heading for a double-dip recession.

Several experts at the annual Ambrosetti Forum predicted more gloom due to a cocktail of sluggish growth, the eurozone crisis and volatile financial markets.

They said that natural disasters and violent uprisings have caused a slump in confidence among consumers and industry.

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